October 3, 2012

Being 24

Sometimes you stumble upon something written that truly conveys how you're feeling at that very moment in your life. The words of Bohemia and Bull inspired me to create the image above; something I fear, something upsetting, something I can't quite wrap my head around as a girl woman of 24 years.

The excerpt below is what really struck a chord with me:
I'm not really sure what came over me, just a good old fashioned dose of unadulterated fear. The kind of fear where you think about life and you think about death. You think of all the times you haven't called home, all the phone calls you forgot to return, all the friendships that accidentally faded away when you weren't looking, and all the times you'll never get back, all the "i love you's" that you thought were forever, like forever, forever. How your parents are starting to look older, and your brothers date girls that look the same age as you, and you don't know all your sisters secrets anymore, and how you live so far away from home. The damn passing of time, the universal battle to try and maintain balance somewhere between the death of youth and the expectation of maturity.
Sometimes I feel alone in this in-between stage of young-adulthood and adulthood. It's nice to be reminded that I'm not the only fearful one.

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